Legal notice

Menorca 100 por 100 Inox, SL
Dinamarca, nave 4 – POIMA
07714 Maó (Menorca) Illes Balears
NIF: B57175408
Telephone: 971355970
Domain name:


The supplier, responsible for the website, places this document conforming to the legal obligations according to Spanish law 34/2002, and the Services for the Society for Electronic Information and Business Procedures(LSSI-CE) at the disposition of their Users, thus informing their Users that the website respects those conditions of usage.

All persons who access the website are considered Users, thereby committed to observing and enforcing the said statutes, as well as any other legal statutes that may apply.

The Supplier reserves the right to change any type of information that may appear on the website, with no obligation to prior notification, or of informing the users of the changes, it being understood as sufficing the publication on the supplier’s website.


The Supplier exempts himself from any responsibility for information published on the website, it being maintained that said information has been manipulated or introduced by a third party.

The supplier website can use cookies (small stored information which the Server sends to the user’s computer) to complete certain functions which are considered essential to the correct functioning and visualization of the website. The cookies used for this website are of temporary nature with the only aim being to produce an effective ulterior transmission of data, and they disappear at the end of the user’s session. The cookies would never be used to collect personal data.

From the client’s web browser it would be possible to redirect contents to third party web browsers. As the supplier cannot always control the contents introduced by third parties to their website, they cannot assume any responsibility for said contents. It being said, the supplier manifests the immediate removal of any content that may contravene national or international legislation, moral or public order, proceeding in the immediate removal of the redirection from the said website, and advising the appropriate authorities of the contents in question.

The supplier does not take responsibility for any information or contents saved, including but not limited, in forums, chats, blogs, comments, social Networks or any other media which permits third parties to independently publicize contents from the supplier’s website. Nevertheless, and in accordance with art. 11 and 16 of the LSSI-CE, the supplier places himself at the disposal of all Users, authorities, and security forces, and actively collaborating in the removal or as the case may be blocking of all those contents that may affect or contravene international or national legislation, third party Rights or moral and public order.

In the case that the User finds any content in the website that may be considered susceptible to this classification, please advise the administrator of the website immediately.

This website has been checked and tested to function correctly. Initially, we guarantee correct functioning 365 days of the year, 24 hours of the day. However, the provider cannot rule out the possible presence of any programming errors, which arise due to force majeure, Acts of God, Strikes or any similar circumstances impeding access to the website.


The provider is deeply committed to complying with Spanish legislation on personal data protection and guarantees full compliance with the agreed obligations and the implementation of the security measures according to art. 9 of the Spanish Law 15/1999, Personal Data protection (LOPD) and the Regulation pertaining to the development of LOPD.

The provider places at the User’s disposal the Privacy Policy of the entity informing of the following aspects:

  • Data of the Responsible for data processing.
  • Data processed.
  • File in which it is stored.
  • Processing purpose.
  • Mandatory or not provided, and the consequences should they not be provided.
  • Rights granted to all Users and the procedures to follow.


The website , including but not limited to its programming, edition, compilation and any other necessary elements for its functioning, the designs, logos, texts and/or graphics are the property of the provider or who is in possession of a licence authorising usage by the authors. All contents of the website are duly protected by the Intellectual and industrial protection Rights and are registered in the corresponding public records.

Regardless of the purpose for which they were intended, partial or complete reproduction, use, exploitation, distribution and commercialisation require prior written permission from the provider. Any use not previously authorised by the provider will be considered in breach of the Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights of the author.

The designs, logos, texts and/ or Graphics not of the provider and that could appear on the website and belong to their respective owners, who in their turn are responsible for any possible controversy that may proceed from same. In any case, the provider has the prior and express authorisation of the same.

The provider recognises the corresponding Intellectual and Industrial Rights of the owners, not implying their mention or appearance on the website of the existence of Rights or responsibility of the provider to the same, nor endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation by the same.

To make any comments concerning possible breaches of Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights, or any other content on this website, you can do so using the following email:


For the resolution of all disputes or questions related to this website, or the activities pertaining thereunder, will be subject to Spanish legislation, the Law Courts of Mahon being found competent to resolve all conflicts resulting or related and submitted by both claimants.